Haja Rose Bowl is a family owned bowling center, located in Allentown, PA. 

Along with 36 bowling lanes, we offer an arcade, a cafe & cocktail lounge.


Bowling by the Hour

Monday through Friday:

9 AM to 5 PM
$20 per hour per lane – accommodates up to 6 people per lane

Monday through Thursday:
5 PM to Close
$24 per hour per lane – accommodates up to 6 people per lane

Saturday and Sunday:
9 AM to 5 PM
$24 per hour per lane – accommodates up to 6 people per lane

Friday and Saturday:
5 PM to Close
$28 per hour per lane – accommodates up to 6 people per lane

Shoe Rental: $4 per pair

Bowling by the Game

Monday through Friday:  

9 AM to 5 PM
$4.00 per game per person

Sunday through Thursday:  
5 PM to Close
$4.50 per game per person

Friday and Saturday:  
5 PM to Close
$5.50 per game per person

Shoe Rental: $4 per pair